Dr Thillainathan Ramasamy,1 Board Member, IDEAS Policy Research Berhad
- government-linked investment companies (GLICs) or their subsidiaries, government-linked companies (GLCs); (GLICs are government-controlled and ultimately state owned or an institutional fund, such as Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB), established in 1978 as an implement of the NEP, and the Employees Provident Fund (EPF), set up in 1950 as a provident fund to manage a compulsory defined pension contribution plan for non-Civil Service Employees.)
- Build, lease, maintain, and transfer (BLMT) and build, lease, transfer (BLT) models—more commonly referred to as private finance initiative (PFI) models—to promote entry as an owner-manager; and
- multiple instruments to promote entry within an industry or sector.
Scaling corporate Malaysia’s heights: Corporatization and privatization
Policies, programmes, and instruments
GLICs: Opportunities and risks
In 2010, the investment of the GLICs, as a share of market capitalization, of the top 100 PLCs on Bursa Malaysia was 34.8 per cent. The total funds under management by private sector asset managers, as a share of market capitalization, was only 28.5 per cent (Securities Commission Malaysia, 2010, Table 1, pp. 6–50), equivalent to 34.9 per cent of the market capitalization of the top 100 PLCs. However, funds under private sector management include funds sourced from EPF, with some invested in other asset classes.
Funds invested by PNB, Pilgrims Fund, LTAT, and KWAP have been mobilized predominantly from Malays. Conversely, a substantial share of EPF’s retirement savings has been mobilized from non-Malays. Funding is less of an issue with KNB and Petronas. As owners and stewards of key national assets with proven cash flows and with the government’s balance-sheet support, they have less problem in accessing the debt market.
Abuse of PFI concessions
Multiple instruments to target multiple goals: Pitfalls
Promoting Malay entry into business: Owner-managers versus managers
Even to present, failures have not necessarily been caused by the ownership structure of the enterprise. Constraints have often arisen in the financing of the investment and sale. For example, with water-treatment plants and water distribution, pricing and underinvestment were serious issues. The water distributor was able to sell to end consumers at the controlled price so long as it did not have to overpay for its treated water. The most serious problems arose when the two lines of business were operated as separate businesses, rather than on a combined basis where they were able to generate a small operating surplus, irrespective of ownership, as in Penang, which was state owned, and in Johor, which was privately owned (Pua, 2011; Tan, 2012).
Concluding remarks
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